昌寰实业股份有限公司---上海昌晖针纺织品有限公司以其品牌产品“美的丝”打入了上海市场… “美的丝”好的丝,提升您企业品牌的知名度为您带来更多的效益和巩固市场的占有率。 目前,无论是国内客商还是国外客商 对于金银丝编织的产品,则更注重其色牢度、手感和亮度 这些贯彻一通的要求只有“美的丝”做得到。好原料制成的好产品,在刺激了消费的同时更彰显出消费者和生产者的品位。“美的丝”伴随着市场的不断进步 吸取了欧美及日本等先进对金银线色彩的要求和经验,不断的开发和设计出能迎合各类服装、纺织及织带业要求的产品,着时尚迈向了新的一步。 “美的丝”的生产是国际从真空蒸着、着色、切丝、合捻而一贯作业的生产,客户的满意度及竞争力的提升更是我昌晖公司努力的标杆! “META-TEX”good silk! Make your enterprise more celebrated meanwhile improve benefit and making occupancy. To golden silk knitting customers always pay more attention to the fastness of color, handle and brightness whatever island or overseas at presents. Only “META-TEX” can make such native product. Such product of high quality made from such material can activate consumption. Meanwhile display the dignity of consumers and producers. “META-TEX” in the surroundings of incessant progress of marketing assimilating many requests and experiences of the gold silk color from occident and Japan, so that employer and designs various products for rag trade and soft goods and accordingly leads the fashion tendency. “META-TEX” produce in international standard procedure, such as braise in vacuum, be painting, chopping up and compounding. The satisfaction of customer and competitor ability is the most important goal for our changhui coporation. ...展开
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